Industry Info |After the Florasis Incident, the old domestic goods carried out a marketing revolution of self-redemption

Industry Info |After the Florasis Incident, the old domestic goods carried out a marketing revolution of self-redemption

Recently, the topic of "the sales of old Chinese goods skyrocketed after the Florasis Incident" hit the hot search, and many old Chinese goods once again entered the public eye, and a marketing revolution of old Chinese goods' self-redemption kicked off!


Seize the heat of the Florasis Incident, Beeflower took the lead in the Tiktok on the sale of three 79 yuan of washing and care packages, and in the live broadcast and short videos, especially emphasized: "79 yuan to buy 5 pounds of half products", "1000 grams of conditioner only 21.9 yuan, only 0.02 yuan per gram, do you think Beeflower expensive?" "No matter whether wages have risen or not, Beeflower has not risen in price."


The operation of Beeflower ensured its sales increase, the product was sold out, the powder rose nearly 500,000 overnight, and caused a lot of attention. For a time, a number of domestic brands are priced at 79 yuan, playing a "simple and unadorned business war."


Yumeijing, a veteran children's skin care brand, registered and released a video on Tiktok overnight, "Yuyu came late! I'm a little behind in my old age." Then launched the 79 sets including body milk and hand cream, not only hit the slogan of "Domestic goods are not expensive, 79 yuan reserves a year", but also marked in the product page, "1 set =960g, 79 yuan for a year".


Three uncles of the old domestic product “Vitality 28”, who do not know much about live e-commerce opened live, because they do not understand the rules of the platform, they were blocked several times, so that they did not dare to speak later, and their unadorned and naive actions of the broadcast room led to the love of many netizens, and the products were sold out of about  ten seconds on the shelves. After an instant hit, when the media interviewed the "middle-aged and elderly anchor group", they said: "Vitality 28, a domestic brand that has experienced more than 70 years of wind and rain, is now in the trough, facing various difficulties, hoping to retain this brand, carry it forward, can return to the peak is difficult to predict." As they wrote on their Tiktok page: "If you can't stay at the top, you can go back to the way you came."



Not only the Vitality 28, every old domestic goods has its peak moment. In the past, they entered thousands of households with high quality and low price. But the times are developing, the society is progressing, and the material is extremely rich today, the old domestic goods have been flooded by the tide of the market. Information dissemination channels are diversified, product marketing methods are changing with each passing day, and old domestic products seem to be gradually falling behind in the pace of catching up with the development of the times. Perhaps they also want to actively catch up, to embrace this era of rapid change, may be marginalized for too long, has been working hard to live but has been lukewarm, if not the "Florasis Incident" believe that a lot of old Chinese goods may be difficult to cause great concern again, and it let people re-examine the old Chinese goods. Of course, the old domestic goods are not synonymous with "cheap", the market and consumer demands are multi-level, so quality is the basis of survival, low price is the way to development. Just recently, in order to prove the safety of its products without adding, the chairman of Hongwei Daily Chemical directly ate raw soap, which shocked the majority of netizens, enough to show the quality assurance of old domestic products.


Old domestic goods sales skyrocketed, they helped each other, many old domestic goods broadcast rooms Initiated a linkage, Hongxing Erke anchor washed his hair with Beeflower shampoo, bullet screen users were "shaking people" to Vitality 28’s broadcast room, and the showing table of Beeflower was full of Baiyu toothpaste, White Elephant instant noodles, etc., this phenomenon shows that the survival of old domestic goods is difficult, but they take a series of operations to make the old domestic goods more cohesive, to live well, and never want any old domestic goods to fall. Although the old domestic goods can get a wave of dividends while they are hot, how to retain the flow is a problem, the old domestic goods can complete self-redemption, but also from the following aspects to do more work:

1, understand the needs of consumers: today's consumers are pursuing high quality, personalized, environmental protection, convenient use experience, through in-depth understanding of the market, to determine the consumer's expectations and needs for domestic products.

2, continuously improve product quality: Although Internet marketing can promote sales, product quality is always the key to win the long-term trust of consumers. In order to attract and retain consumers, old domestic products must have strict guarantees on quality.

3, the flexible use of Internet marketing: In this era of "good wine is afraid of deep alleys", it is necessary to make full use of social media, live e-commerce, short videos and other means to increase brand exposure and improve visibility in the young generation. At the same time, it can interact with consumers through the Internet, collect feedback, and constantly optimize products.

4, innovative design: while retaining traditional characteristics, integrate modern design elements to meet the aesthetic needs of modern consumers. At the same time, limited edition and customized products can be launched to increase the uniqueness and attractiveness of products.

5, strengthen brand cooperation: cross-border cooperation with well-known brands can improve brand awareness and influence. At the same time, through cooperation, they can learn from each other and improve their own strength.

6, establish consumer community: Through the form of community, gather consumers who are interested in domestic products, regularly release new products and activity information, maintain close contact with consumers, increase stickiness, and cultivate user loyalty.

7, Improve the efficiency of supply chain management: optimize production, warehousing, logistics and other links, improve the efficiency and response speed of the supply chain, and provide consumers with a better shopping experience.

8, continuous tracking of market dynamics: pay close attention to market dynamics and competitors' trends, adjust strategies in a timely manner, and maintain competitive advantages.

9, participating in industry exhibitions is also a good choice, which can timely obtain industry development trends and market demand information, provide reference for product research and development and market strategy formulation, and also strengthen communication and learning among peers to stimulate more development ideas for enterprises. 2024 Guangzhou International Personal Care Expo is a collection of exhibition, brand promotion, trade cooperation, new product release, learning and exchange of quality service platform, the exhibition will be held in March 5-7, 2024 in Guangzhou Nanfeng International Convention and Exhibition Center, in order to support the old domestic products in the care industry, now registration can enjoy exclusive preferential prices, welcome to actively participate.


In short, the rise of the old domestic goods needs to combine the Internet thinking and traditional technology, continuous innovation, improve quality, flexible marketing, and establish close ties with consumers, we hope that the great demand of the old domestic goods is not a temporary wind, but can be evergreen! The brands can be the light of domestic products, the assurance of quality, the rise of domestic products, and the pride of nation! Come on, old Chinese products!