Industry News: "618" Report: Smart Shopping, 75% of Consumers Still Choose Home Cleaning and Personal Care Products

Industry News: "618" Report: Smart Shopping, 75% of Consumers Still Choose Home Cleaning and Personal Care Products

The 618 Shopping Festival has concluded successfully. What trends are expected for mid-year consumption this year? How have consumer mindsets changed over the more than ten years since the e-commerce shopping festival began? Have consumption habits shifted for categories like supermarket and department store goods, which are top choices for stocking up during shopping festivals? Which new product categories are becoming consumer favorites?

The survey collected 1,230 valid responses, with about half of the respondents aged between 20 and 40; over 60% were from first-tier, new first-tier, or provincial capital cities.

The survey results show that 67% of these consumers hold a "smart shopping, practicality first" attitude. Three-quarters of them still stock up during the "618" event, primarily on household cleaning and personal care products. JD Supermarket was chosen by 85% of respondents as their preferred platform for purchasing daily consumer goods.


Most Common Online Shopping Platforms for Daily Consumer Goods

75% of consumers still choose to stock up during "618," with household cleaning and personal care products being the favorites.

This year's "618" shopping festival on e-commerce platforms continues to have strong appeal. The survey shows that 88% of consumers plan to increase their spending during "618." Due to the economic environment of the past two years, about half of the consumers stated that they would shop more rationally, with clear spending plans and budgets. Simultaneously, they pay more attention to improving the quality of life, preferring to buy fewer but better products. This overall shopping preference is also reflected in the consumption mindset during this year's "618," with nearly 70% voting for "smart shopping, practicality first."


Attitudes Towards This Year's "618"

The top five product categories that interest consumers the most during this year's "618" are food, household cleaning, personal care, clothing, and digital products. About 75% of consumers still plan to stock up during "618," with household cleaning and personal care being the main categories, each receiving over 60% of the votes. The primary reason for stocking up is "the prices are more favorable during '618', and since these products will be used later anyway, it's better to buy more at once."


Products Planned for Stocking Up During This Year's "618"

In the top category for stocking up, "household cleaning," over 35% of respondents stated, "I've stocked up enough paper products to last a year." When purchasing household cleaning products, the primary consideration is quality, followed by price, with voting rates of 70% and 50%, respectively.

Changes in the quality of life are often reflected in details. The survey shows that over 34% of consumers take great care and attention when selecting paper products, indicating that "specific paper for specific uses" has become a habit. This also indirectly confirms that while consumers are more budget-conscious, the trend of improving the quality of life has not changed.

Another major stocking-up category is "personal care" products. In this category, consumers are equally meticulous. Nearly 70% of consumers indicated they select personal care products very carefully, with "quality assurance" being the primary consideration (73%), followed by cheaper prices (41%).


Main Considerations When Purchasing Personal Care Products

Among these, one in five consumers buys daily care products based on scent, and one in five is particular about the humanized design details of international brand products. Meanwhile, domestic brands in the "personal care" category are starting to surpass expectations, with more young people (about 34%) finding that domestic products offer great value both in terms of price and product efficacy.

For Baby, Toy, and Pet Products, Quality Is the Top Priority, With 60% of Consumers Choosing JD Supermarket for "Better Quality Assurance"

When selecting baby products, parents prioritize authenticity and product safety. Over 60% of parents stated, "When it comes to things related to their children, they only purchase from self-operated stores or reliable channels." Over 25% of parents gather information from various social platforms and even compare products in Excel spreadsheets. Furthermore, 20% of parents consider flexible size exchange and no-worry services for diaper rash as essential factors when purchasing baby products.


Main Considerations When Purchasing Baby Products


The primary channels for purchasing baby products

This purchasing sentiment is also reflected in the consumption of another money-swallowing pet. "I can live a hard life, but my baby cannot" and "I suspect I never had pets raised so meticulously when I was a child" both received high votes from pet owners.

In the toy category, about 55% of parents consciously buy educational toys for their children, such as building blocks. However, toys are no longer exclusive to children; many adults also buy toys for themselves. Twenty percent of consumers said, "After earning my own money, I now own the toys I couldn't have as a child." Another 20% said, "Seeing toys from my favorite IPs really provides me with emotional value."

Consumers who own pets prioritize the safety of pet food and the healthiness of ingredients. At the same time, pet medical care and pet boarding services have become concerns for pet lovers that need further satisfaction.


Shopping platforms with strong overall capabilities in product strength, service quality, and pricing are most favored by consumers.

Seeding and weeding have become a way of life, with short video social platforms being the most influential in seeding, with about 80% of consumers being seeded by products while watching short videos; platform-related recommendations also have considerable seeding power, with about 40% of consumers interested in platform recommendations. At the same time, shopping platforms also serve as leisure venues, and about one-third of consumers say they aimlessly browse shopping platforms.


Will you also browse/search for products/keywords that are not intended for purchase when shopping online?

However, for platforms seeking to maintain repeat purchase rates, product quality remains core. Beyond quality, after-sales service is also highly valued by consumers, with service quality having a greater impact on repeat customers than simply low prices. Therefore, when it comes to consumerism, the emphasis is on experience! Providing consumers with a comprehensive shopping experience combining "product strength + service strength + price strength" is the key for platforms to retain customers.


Platforms where shopping behaviors have occurred during this year's "618"

However, for platforms seeking to maintain repeat purchase rates, product quality remains core. Beyond quality, after-sales service is also highly valued by consumers, with service quality having a greater impact on repeat customers than simply low prices. Therefore, when it comes to consumerism, the emphasis is on experience! Providing consumers with a comprehensive shopping experience combining "product strength + service strength + price strength" is the key for platforms to retain customers.

Platforms where shopping behaviors have occurred during this year's "618"

Among the issues affecting consumer shopping experiences, discrepancies between products and descriptions, price fluctuations, and poor product quality rank in the top three, each with over 40% of votes. After-sales service significantly influences shopping experiences, with over one-third of consumers having experiences of "no response or poor after-sales service."

Overall, consumers still hold a high enthusiasm for this year's mid-year "618" promotion. However, some changes are quietly taking place. In terms of consumer decision-making, budget consciousness and emphasis on quality of life are becoming the main trends. This is also reflected in the choice of e-commerce platforms, where discounts still attract stockpiling, but pure low prices are no longer the decisive factor; quality has become a core attraction for customers. Even when selecting everyday items, consumers are meticulous. Parents and pet owners are particularly attentive to the daily necessities of their children and pets.

Simultaneously, as e-commerce shopping festivals become more normalized, these platforms are not only meeting shopping needs but also becoming a modern leisure and entertainment option for aimlessly browsing online for good finds. Consumer behavior is increasingly oriented towards prioritizing experience.

Under the coupling of multiple factors, shopping festivals such as "618" are gradually evolving into cultural phenomena. Through the collaboration and resource integration of upstream and downstream industries such as e-commerce, logistics, and consumption habits, these festivals not only allow consumers to enjoy affordability and the joy and satisfaction of shopping but also promote economic prosperity and social development on a larger scale.